/* Black Studio TinyMCE Widget - CSS */ /* Plugin links */ .bstw-links { font-size: 11px; margin-top: -3px; text-align: right; position: absolute; right: 18px; } .rtl .bstw-links { text-align: left; right: auto; left: 18px; } .bstw-links .icon16:before { padding: 0; } .bstw-links .icon16 { float: right; padding: 3px 6px; margin: -6px -8px 0 -2px; } .rtl .bstw-links .icon16 { float: left; margin: -6px -2px 0 -8px; } .bstw-links .bstw-links-list { display: none; } .bstw-links a { text-decoration: none; } /* Loading overlay */ .bstw-loading { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom:0; background-color:white; background-image: url(../../../../wp-admin/images/loading.gif); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; z-index: 100000; display: none; opacity: 0.5; } /* Hidden editor instance */ #wp-black-studio-tinymce-widget-wrap { display: none; } /* Spacing below the editor */ div[id*="black-studio-tinymce"] .wp-editor-wrap { margin-bottom: 1em; } /* Icon for Theme customizer */ #available-widgets [class*="black-studio-tinymce"] .widget-title:before { content: "\f116"; } /* Put TinyMCE panels foreground */ .wp-customizer #mce-modal-block, .wp-admin #mce-modal-block { z-index: 500000 !important; } .wp-customizer .mce-menu, .wp-customizer .mce-popover, .wp-customizer .mce-window, .wp-admin .mce-menu, .wp-admin .mce-popover, .wp-admin .mce-window { z-index: 500010 !important; } /* Hide DFW fullscreen button */ div[id*="black-studio-tinymce"] .mce-wp-fullscreen { display: none; } /* Fix z-index when in fullscreen and using Page Builder */ .ui-dialog.panels-admin-dialog { z-index: 100002 !important; } /* Fix z-index for thickbox dialog windows (used for media on old WP versions but also used by some plugins) */ #TB_overlay, #TB_window { z-index: 999999 !important; } /* Fix z-index for media dialog windows (used on recent WP versions) */ .media-modal { z-index: 1000100 !important; } /* Fix z-index for link dialog windows (used on recent WP versions) */ .wp-customizer #wp-link-backdrop { z-index: 500010; } .wp-customizer #wp-link-wrap { z-index: 500020; } .wp-customizer .ui-autocomplete.wplink-autocomplete, .wp-customizer div.mce-inline-toolbar-grp { z-index: 500025; } /* Fix z-index to avoid the (open) widget go behind the admin menu on small screen */ .open.widget[id*="black-studio-tinymce"] { z-index: 100000 !important; } /* Fix for wide widgets left positioning on Customizer with large screens */ @media (min-width: 1666px) { .customize-control-widget_form.wide-widget-control .widget-inside { left: 18%; } } /* Change mouse cursor when waiting */ body.wait, body.wait * { cursor: wait !important; } /* Fix Zedity z-index issue */ #zedity_content_overlay { z-index: 100000 !important; } /* Fix for menubar styling (TinyMCE Advanced) */ .mce-menubar { border-color: #e5e5e5 !important; background: #fff !important; border-width: 0px 0px 1px !important; } /* Fix for RTL editor color text button */ .mce-rtl .mce-colorbutton button { padding-right: 3px !important; padding-left: 3px !important; } .mce-rtl .mce-colorbutton .mce-preview { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; }