* Plugin Name: WP Review
* Plugin URI: http://mythemeshop.com/plugins/wp-review/
* Description: Create reviews! Choose from Stars, Percentages, Circles or Points for review scores. Supports Retina Display, WPMU & Unlimited Color Schemes.
* Author: MyThemesShop
* Author URI: http://mythemeshop.com/
( function( $ ) {
"use strict";
var wpreview = window.wpreview = window.wpreview || {};
wpreview.initSelect2 = function() {
if ( 'function' !== typeof $.fn.select2 ) {
function addIcon( option ) {
if ( $( option.element ).attr( 'data-icon' ) ) {
return $( ' ' + option.text + '' );
return option.text;
$( '.js-select2' ).select2({
templateResult: addIcon,
templateSelection: addIcon
wpreview.tabs = function( options ) {
var defaults = {
wrapper: '[data-tabs]',
title: '[data-tab-title]',
content: '[data-tab-content]',
activeElement: '',
activeClass: 'active',
active: '',
activate: null
options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
$( options.wrapper + ' ' + options.title ).on( 'click', function( ev ) {
var href, $tab;
href = $( this ).attr( 'href' );
$tab = $( this ).closest( options.wrapper );
$tab.find( options.content ).hide();
if ( ! options.activeElement || options.activeElement == options.title ) {
$tab.find( options.title ).removeClass( options.activeClass );
$( this ).addClass( options.activeClass );
} else {
$tab.find( options.activeElement ).removeClass( options.activeClass );
$( this ).closest( options.activeElement ).addClass( options.activeClass );
if ( typeof options.activate == 'function' ) {
options.activate.call( $( this ), href );
$tab.find( href ).fadeIn();
// Active a tab.
if ( options.active ) {
$( options.wrapper ).find( options.title + '[href="' + options.active + '"]' ).click();
} else {
$( options.wrapper ).find( options.title + ':eq(0)' ).click();
wpreview.initTabs = function() {
wrapper: '.js-tabs',
title: '.tab-title',
content: '.tab-content',
activeClass: 'nav-tab-active'
wrapper: '[data-vertical-tabs]',
activeElement: 'li',
active: $( '#setting-error-settings_updated' ).length && 'undefined' !== typeof Cookies ? Cookies.get( 'wpr-last-vtab' ) : '',
activate: function( tab ) {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof Cookies ) {
Cookies.set( 'wpr-last-vtab', tab );
wrapper: '[data-nav-tabs]',
title: '.nav-tab',
content: '.tab-content',
activeClass: 'nav-tab-active',
active: $( '#setting-error-settings_updated' ).length && 'undefined' !== typeof Cookies ? Cookies.get( 'wpr-last-htab' ) : '',
activate: function( tab ) {
if ( ! $( '#wpr-global-options' ).length ) {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof Cookies ) {
Cookies.set( 'wpr-last-htab', tab );
wpreview.pluginOptions = function() {
wpreview.pluginMetaBoxes = function() {
// Custom location.
$( '#wp_review_custom_location' ).on( 'switch-on', function() {
$( '#wp_review_custom_location' ).on( 'switch-off', function() {
// Custom colors.
$( '#wp_review_custom_colors' ).on( 'switch-on', function() {
$( '#wp_review_custom_colors' ).on( 'switch-off', function() {
// Custom author.
$( '#wp_review_custom_author' ).on( 'switch-on', function() {
$( '#wp_review_custom_author' ).on( 'switch-off', function() {
// Disable features.
$( '#wp_review_disable_features' ).on( 'switch-on', function() {
$( '#wpr-review-items-app' ).fadeOut();
$( '#wp_review_disable_features' ).on( 'switch-off', function() {
$( '#wpr-review-items-app' ).fadeIn();
// User reviews.
$( '#wp-review-userReview-disable' ).on( 'change', function() {
var $postbox = $( this ).closest( '.postbox' );
if ( $(this)[0].checked ) {
$postbox.find( '.show-if-comment, .show-if-visitor, .show-if-both' ).hide();
$postbox.find( '.show-if-disabled' ).show();
$( '#wp-review-userReview-visitor' ).on( 'change', function() {
var $postbox = $( this ).closest( '.postbox' );
if ( $(this)[0].checked ) {
$postbox.find( '.show-if-comment, .show-if-disabled' ).hide();
$postbox.find( '.show-if-visitor, .show-if-both' ).show();
$( document ).on( 'change', '#wp_review_rating_schema', function() {
var value = $( this ).val();
if ( 'author' === value ) {
$( '#wp_review_schema_author_wrapper' ).show();
} else {
$( '#wp_review_schema_author_wrapper' ).hide();
$( document ).on( 'change', '#wp-review-userReview-disable', function() {
if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
$( '#wp_review_rating_schema' ).val( 'author' ).trigger( 'change' );
* Toggle meta box
$( '#wp-review-metabox-item' ).hide();
$( '#wp-review-metabox-heading' ).hide();
$( '#wp-review-metabox-desc' ).hide();
$( '#wp-review-metabox-userReview' ).hide();
$( '#wp_review_shortcode_hint_field' ).hide();
$( '#wp_review_id_hint' ).hide();
$( '#wp_review_heading_group' ).hide();
$( '#wp-review-metabox-reviewLinks' ).hide();
$( '#wp_review_schema_options_wrapper' ).hide();
//$( '#wp_review_schema_rating_group' ).hide();
$( '#wp_review_type' ).on( 'change', function() {
var none = 'none';
var show = false;
var selected_val = $( this ).val();
var type = wprVars.reviewTypes[ wprVars.globalReviewType ];
var $selected_option = $( this ).find( 'option:selected' );
show = selected_val ? selected_val != none : wprVars.globalReviewType;
$( '#wp-review-metabox-item' ).toggle( show );
$( '#wp-review-metabox-heading' ).toggle( show );
$( '#wp-review-metabox-desc' ).toggle( show );
$( '#wp-review-metabox-userReview' ).toggle( show );
$( '#wp_review_id_hint' ).toggle( show );
$( '#wp_review_schema_options_wrapper' ).toggle( show );
$( '#wp-review-metabox-reviewLinks' ).toggle( show );
$( '#wp_review_heading_group' ).toggle( show );
$( '#wp_review_embed_options_wrapper' ).toggle( show );
$( '#wp_review_show_schema_data_wrapper' ).toggle( show );
if ( $( this ).attr( 'data-changed' ) != 1 ) {
$( this ).attr( 'data-changed', 1 );
if ( ! $( this ).next( 'input[name="wp_review_type"]' ).length ) {
$( this ).after( '' );
} else {
$( this ).next( 'input[name="wp_review_type"]' ).val( selected_val );
wpreview.linkChoices = function( options ) {
var defaults = {
callback: null
options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
$( '.wpr-link-choice' ).on( 'click', function( ev ) {
var target, value;
target = $( this ).attr( 'data-target' );
value = $( this ).attr( 'data-value' );
if ( ! $( target ).length ) {
$( target ).val( value );
$( this ).closest( '.wpr-link-choices' ).find( '.wpr-link-choice' ).removeClass( 'active' );
$( this ).addClass( 'active' );
if ( typeof options.callback == 'function' ) {
options.callback.call( $( this ), value );
wpreview.boxTemplatesSelect = function() {
if ( 'function' !== typeof $.fn.select2 ) {
var $select = $( 'select#wp_review_box_template' ),
globalColor = $( '#wpr-review-global-color-value' ).val(),
globalInactiveColor = $( '#wpr-review-global-inactive-color-value' ).val(),
postColor, postInactiveColor;
function onSwitchColor( color ) {
$( '.wpr-review-item .input-color' ).each( function() {
var oldVal;
oldVal = $( this ).val();
if ( oldVal === globalColor || oldVal === postColor ) {
$( this ).iris( 'color', color );
function onSwitchInactiveColor( color ) {
$( '.wpr-review-item .input-inactive-color' ).each( function() {
var oldVal;
oldVal = $( this ).val();
if ( oldVal === globalInactiveColor || oldVal === postInactiveColor ) {
$( this ).iris( 'color', color );
function onChange( value ) {
var templates = wprVars.boxTemplates,
template = templates[ value ] || templates['default'];
postColor = $( '#wp_review_color' ).val();
postInactiveColor = $( '#wp_review_inactive_color' ).val();
// Change image preview.
$( '#wp_review_box_template_img' ).attr( 'src', template.image );
// Change style options.
$( '#wp_review_color' ).iris( 'color', template.color );
$( '#wp_review_fontcolor' ).iris( 'color', template.fontcolor );
$( '#wp_review_bgcolor1' ).iris( 'color', template.bgcolor1 );
$( '#wp_review_bgcolor2' ).iris( 'color', template.bgcolor2 );
$( '#wp_review_bordercolor' ).iris( 'color', template.bordercolor );
wpreview.turnSwitch( $( '#wp_review_custom_width' ), template.width != 100 );
$( '#wp_review_width' ).val( template.width ).trigger( 'change' );
$( '#wp-review-align-' + template.align ).prop( 'checked', true );
wpreview.turnSwitch( $( '#wp_review_custom_comment_colors' ), template.custom_comment_colors );
$( '#wp_review_comment_color' ).iris( 'color', template.comment_color );
$( '#wp_review_rating_icon' ).val( template.rating_icon ).trigger( 'change' );
$( '#wp_review_inactive_color' ).iris( 'color', template.inactive_color );
$( '#wp_review_comment_inactive_color' ).iris( 'color', template.comment_inactive_color );
$( '#wpr-review-color-value' ).val( template.color );
$( '#wpr-review-inactive-color-value' ).val( template.inactive_color );
// Feature colors.
onSwitchColor( template.color );
onSwitchInactiveColor( template.inactive_color );
$( '#wp_review_custom_colors' ).on( 'switch-on', function() {
postColor = $( '#wp_review_color' ).val();
postInactiveColor = $( '#wp_review_inactive_color' ).val();
onSwitchColor( $( '#wp_review_color' ).val() );
onSwitchInactiveColor( $( '#wp_review_inactive_color' ).val() );
$( '#wp_review_custom_colors' ).on( 'switch-off', function() {
postColor = $( '#wp_review_color' ).val();
postInactiveColor = $( '#wp_review_inactive_color' ).val();
onSwitchColor( $( '#wpr-review-global-color-value' ).val() );
onSwitchInactiveColor( $( '#wpr-review-global-inactive-color-value' ).val() );
$( '#wp_review_color' ).on( 'color-change', function( ev, colorEvent, ui ) {
postColor = $( '#wp_review_color' ).val();
onSwitchColor( ui.color.toString() );
$( '#wp_review_inactive_color' ).on( 'color-change', function( ev, colorEvent, ui ) {
postInactiveColor = $( '#wp_review_inactive_color' ).val();
onSwitchInactiveColor( ui.color.toString() );
// Init select2.
width: '250px',
templateResult: function( option ) {
if ( ! option.element ) {
return option.text;
var value = option.element.value,
templates = wprVars.boxTemplates,
template = templates[ value ] || templates['default'];
return $( '' + option.text + '' );
// On change option.
$select.on( 'change', function( ev ) {
onChange( ev.target.value );
// On hover option.
$( document ).on( 'mouseenter', '#select2-wp_review_box_template-results li', function() {
$( '#wp_review_box_template_preview' ).addClass( 'loading' ).show();
$( '#wp_review_box_template_preview_img' ).attr( 'src', $( this ).find( 'span' ).attr( 'data-img' ) );
$( '#wp_review_box_template_preview_img' ).imagesLoaded().progress( function( instance, image ) {
if ( image.isLoaded ) {
$( '#wp_review_box_template_preview' ).removeClass( 'loading' );
$select.on( 'select2:close', function() {
$( '#wp_review_box_template_preview' ).hide();
wpreview.formSwitchEvents = function() {
$( document ).on( 'change', '.wpr-switch__on', function() {
if ( $( this )[0].checked ) {
$( this ).closest( '.wpr-switch' ).trigger( 'switch-on' );
$( document ).on( 'change', '.wpr-switch__off', function() {
if ( $( this )[0].checked ) {
$( this ).closest( '.wpr-switch' ).trigger( 'switch-off' );
wpreview.turnSwitch = function( $switch, on ) {
if ( on ) {
$switch.find( '.wpr-switch__on' ).prop( 'checked', true ).trigger( 'change' );
} else {
$switch.find( '.wpr-switch__off' ).prop( 'checked', true ).trigger( 'change' );
wpreview.importDemo = function() {
$( '#wp-review-import-demo-button' ).on( 'click', function() {
var check = confirm( wprVars.importDemoConfirm ),
$button = $( this );
if ( ! check ) {
$button.prop( 'disabled', true );
items: {
src: '#wp-review-demo-importer-popup',
type: 'inline'
modal: true
$( '#wp-review-demo-importer-modal-footer-button' ).on( 'click', function() {
var data = {
action: 'wp-review-import-demo',
nonce: $button.attr( 'data-nonce' )
$.post( ajaxurl, data, function( response ) {
$( '#wp-review-demo-importer-modal-content' ).html( response );
$( '#wp-review-demo-importer-modal-footer-info' ).text( wprVars.importDemoDone );
$( '#wp-review-demo-importer-modal-header h2' ).text( wprVars.importDemoDone );
$( '#wp-review-demo-importer-modal-footer-button' ).show();
$button.prop( 'disabled', false );
$( document ).ready( function() {
$( '[data-remove-ratings]' ).on( 'click', function() {
var check = confirm( wprVars.confirmPurgeRatings );
if ( ! check ) {
var $button = $( this ),
options = $button.data(),
btnText = $button.text();
$button.text( options.processingText );
options.action = 'wpr-purge-ratings';
options.nonce = wprVars.purgeRatingsNonce;
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'post',
data: options,
success: function( res ) {
$button.text( res.data );
setTimeout( function() {
$button.text( btnText );
}, 2000 );
error: function( res ) {
console.log( res );
// Fix conflicts with Blogging theme. See https://github.com/MyThemeShopTeam/wp-review-pro/issues/277.
$( document ).off( 'mousewheel', '**' );
$( document ).on( 'DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', '.select2-results', function( ev ) {
if ( $( this ).children( '#select2-wp_review_box_template-results' ).length ) {
if ( $( this ).children( '#select2-wp_review_popup_animation_in-results' ).length ) {
if ( $( this ).children( '#select2-wp_review_popup_animation_out-results' ).length ) {
var $this = $( this ),
scrollTop = this.scrollTop,
scrollHeight = this.scrollHeight,
height = $this.height(),
delta = ev.type == 'DOMMouseScroll' ? ev.originalEvent.detail * -40 : ev.originalEvent.wheelDelta,
up = delta > 0;
var prevent = function() {
ev.returnValue = false;
return false;
if ( ! up && -delta > scrollHeight - height - scrollTop ) {
// Scrolling down, but this will take us past the bottom.
$this.scrollTop( scrollHeight );
return prevent();
} else if ( up && delta > scrollTop ) {
// Scrolling up, but this will take us past the top.
return prevent();
function showProPopup() {
items: {
src: '#wp-review-pro-popup-notice',
type: 'inline'
$( document ).on( 'click', '#select2-wp_review_box_template-results li[aria-disabled="true"]', function() {
$( '#wp_review_box_template' ).select2( 'close' );
$( document ).on( 'click', '#select2-wp_review_rating_icon-results li[aria-disabled="true"]', function() {
$( '#wp_review_rating_icon' ).select2( 'close' );
// Pro feature popup.
$( document ).on( 'click', '.wp-review-disabled, option[disabled]', function( ev ) {
$( 'select:not(.select2-hidden-accessible)' ).each( function() {
$( this ).attr( 'data-old-val', $( this ).val() );
$( document ).on( 'change', 'select:not(.select2-hidden-accessible)', function() {
var selectedIndex = $( this ).prop( 'selectedIndex' ),
selectedOption = $( this ).find( 'option:eq(' + selectedIndex + ')' ),
oldVal = $( this ).attr( 'data-old-val' );
if ( selectedOption.hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) {
$( this ).val( oldVal );
} else {
$( this ).attr( 'data-old-val', $( this ).val() );
// Fix conflict with color picker in Avada theme.
if ( $( '.pyre_field.avada-color' ).length ) {
$( '.wp-review-color' ).closest( '.wp-review-field-option' ).addClass( 'pyre_field' );
$( '.input-color, .input-inactive-color' ).closest( '.col-2' ).addClass( 'pyre_field' );
$( window ).load( function() {
// WYSIWYG saving issue when using Gutenberg.
if ( $( 'body.block-editor-page' ).length ) {
window.tinyMCE.editors.forEach( function( editor ) {
editor.on( 'change', function() {
$( '#wp_review_type' ).trigger( 'change' );
})( jQuery );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
* Repeatable field
$('.add-row').on('click', function(e) {
var $target = $($(this).data('target'));
var row = $target.find('.empty-row').clone(true);
var input = row.find('input');
if (typeof input.data('name') !== 'undefined' && input.data('name')) input.prop('name', input.data('name'));
row.removeClass('empty-row screen-reader-text');
$('.remove-row').on('click', function(e) {
$('#wp-review-metabox-item tbody').sortable({ handle: '.handle', revert: 100, containment: '#wp-review-metabox-item' });
$('#wp-review-metabox-reviewLinks tbody').sortable({ handle: '.handle', revert: 100, containment: '#wp-review-metabox-reviewLinks' });
// $('#wp-wp_review_desc-wrap').toggle(! $('#wp_review_hide_desc').is(':checked'));
$('#wp_review_location').on('change', function() {
$('#wp_review_shortcode_hint_field').toggle($(this).val() == 'custom');
if ($('#wp_review_location').val() == 'custom') {
$( '#wp-review-width-slider' ).slider({
range: 'min',
value: $( '#wp_review_width' ).val(),
step: 1,
min: 1,
max: 100,
disabled: true
$('.wp-review-userReview-options').change(function(event) {
* Color picker setup
change: function( event, ui ) {
$( event.target ).trigger( 'color-change', [ event, ui ] );
$('.wp-review-theme-defaults-msg .close-notice').click(function() {
$('.wp-review-theme-defaults-msg a.button').click(function() {
return confirm('Are you sure? This may override the current settings.');
var val = $(this).val();
var $type = $('#wp_review_comment_rating_type');
if(wprVars.ratingPermissionsCommentOnly === val || wprVars.ratingPermissionsBoth === val){
} else {
if ($('#wp-review-migrate-log').length) {
var $migrate_log = $('#wp-review-migrate-log');
var migrate_started = false;
var rows_left = parseInt($('#migrate-items-num').text());
var migrated_rows = $('#start-migrate').data('start');
var migrate_finished = false;
var updatelog = function( text ) {
$migrate_log.css('display', 'block').val(function(index, old) { return text + "\n" + old });
var ajax_migrate = function( startindex ) {
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: { action: 'wp_review_migrate_ratings', start: startindex },
.done(function( data ) {
updatelog( 'Imported ratings: ' + (startindex + 1) + ' - ' + data.lastrow + '...' );
if ( ! data.finished )
ajax_migrate( data.lastrow );
updatelog('Import complete.');
$('#start-migrate').click(function(event) {
if (migrate_started)
return false;
migrate_started = true;
updatelog('Import started, please wait...');
// Image Uploader
wprImageField = {
uploader : function( id ) {
var frame = wp.media({
title : wprVars.imgframe_title,
multiple : false,
frame: 'post',
library : { type : 'image' },
button : { text : wprVars.imgbutton_title }
frame.on( 'insert', function(selection) {
var state = frame.state();
selection = selection || state.get('selection');
if (! selection) return;
// We set multiple to false so only get one image from the uploader
var attachment = selection.first();
var display = state.display(attachment).toJSON(); // <-- additional properties
attachment = attachment.toJSON();
// Do something with attachment.id and/or attachment.url here
var imgurl = attachment.sizes[display.size].url;
var attachments = frame.state().get( 'selection' ).toJSON();
if ( attachments[0] ) {
$( '#' + id + '-preview' ).html( '' );
$( '#' + id + '-id' ).val( attachments[0].id );
$( '#' + id + '-url' ).val( imgurl );
if ( $( '#' + id + '-upload+.clear-image' ).length == 0 ) {
$( '#' + id + '-upload' ).after( '' + wprVars.imgremove_title + '' );
return false;
$( document ).on( 'click', '.clear-image', function( e ) {
var $this = $( this ),
id = $this.prev().data( 'id' );
$( '#' + id + '-preview' ).html( '' );
$( '#' + id + '-id' ).val( '' );
$( '#' + id + '-url' ).val( '' );
$( '.wpr-datepicker' ).datepicker({
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
if ( typeof wp !== 'undefined' && wp.media && wp.media.editor) {
$(document).on('click', '.wp-review-rating-image .set_rating_image, .wp-review-rating-image .img-wrapper i', function(e) {
var button = $('.wp-review-rating-image .set_rating_image'),
custom_uploader = wp.media({
title: 'Insert image',
library : {
type : 'image'
button: {
text: 'Use this image'
multiple: false
}).on('select', function() {
var attachment = custom_uploader.state().get('selection').first().toJSON();
$(button).parent().find('.img-wrapper').removeClass('hide').find('img').attr('src', attachment.url);
if($(document).find('#multisite_settings').length > 0) {
$(document).on('change', '#wp-review-select-site', function(){
var site = $(this).val();
// Multisite general settings.
$( '.wp-review-multisite-general-settings div.wpr-switch' ).on( 'switch-on', function() {
$( '.wp-review-multisite-general-settings div.wpr-switch' ).on( 'switch-off', function() {
// Multisite post settings.
$( '.wp-review-multisite-posts-options div.wpr-switch' ).on( 'switch-on', function() {
$( '.wp-review-multisite-posts-options div.wpr-switch' ).on( 'switch-off', function() {